This is part of our series Guide on the to the Production Ecrite of your DELF Exam. You might also find useful:
In the Production ecrite section of DELF A1 and DELF A2 you may be asked to write a letter accepting or declining an invitation. In this article we will be looking at how to write a message or letter in french accepting an invitation.
In general for your french exam an invitation is usually for, however not limited to, :
- A wedding
- dinner
- vacation
- to see a movie
- A Christmas party
- an office party
- a party to celebrate an engagement
- a retirement party
- a party to celebrate the end of studies
- a baby shower or the birth of a baby
- a birthday party
In the DELF A1 You will be asked to write 40-50 words. While in the DELF A2 you will be asked to write 60-80 words.
When asked to write a letter or a message accepting an invitation, no matter the type, the structure is usually the same. Here are some basic steps to follow when accepting an invitation:
Before you start
- Read the instruction and ensure it is a letter requesting that you decline an invitation
- Determine to what you have been invited
- Who invited you (since they might be multiple names in the letter or message)
- Determine if it is a friendly invitation or a professional invitation
When you are writing.
- Use the right opening greetings, depending on the type of invitation
- Thank the person for the invitation ( a simple ““Merci pour ta lettre” will work in most situations)
- Let them know you are looking forward to the event
For the greeting for a professional letter use:
Cher Monsieur ……………………….,
Chère Madam…………………………..,
For the greeting for a friendly letter use:
To show that you are accepting an invitation you can use the following expressions:
Oui, avec plaisir!
C’est sympa = c’est sympathique
C’est un bonne idee
Pourquoi pas?J’accepte avec plaisir.
Je viendrai avec plaisir.
Cela me ferait grand plaisir.
To close a professional letter:
Bien cordialement.
Cordialement vôtre.
Bien sincèrement.
Sincèrement vôtre.
Sincères salutations.
To close a friendly letter:
Bien a toi
Bien a vous
Je t’embrasse
Sample letter accepting an invitation in french:
Context of invitation in french:
Vous recevez une carte d’invitation au vin d’honneur pour le mariage de votre collègue et vous voulez accepter cette invitation.
Sample response in french:
Cher Matthew,
J’ai bien reçu votre invitation et je vous en remercie. Je suis très sincèrement ravi(e) pour vous deux. Il va donc de soi que j’accepte avec plaisir de me joindre à vous pour la réception que vous donnerez à cette occasion. À très bientôt, et surtout félicitations pour cet engagement.