The transition between DELF A1, A2 and B1 is pretty easy, but I will have to say when you are dealing with the DELF B2 level, it is totally different. The expectations are way higher and mistakes that could be easily overlooked at the lower levels are heavily penalised in the B2 and higher levels. Grammar and Structure makes a lot of difference in this level as your listening ability when it comes to the french language and how you interpretation of what is being said.
As a result, proper preparation is very essential. However, even with the current challenges such as the lack of past papers and practice paper to prepare for your exam, there are a number of sites that offer practice and mock exams for DELF B2 as well as a number of other resources you can find useful when taking your exam.
Websites for DELF B2 mock exams:
Check out the CIEF website. The Centre International d’Etudes Pédagogiques is the official site of the DELF and the DALF exams. This website, while not providing any past papers, does provide free resources for mock exams or in French “examen blanc”. As someone who has taken the DELF B2 exam, I found this website every useful. The sample mock exams are exactly the same format and structure as the real DELF B2 exam.
Exemples d’examens : DELF DALF Suisse
This is another great website that you will find at least 3 mocks exam for DELF A2 complete with listen.
You can check this website FRENCH EXAM HUB for DELF mock exams . Also they are regular post with practices such as DELF Exam Very Soon we will be adding an online DELF practice exercise. So remember to sign up for regular updates.
There are also many useful recommendation for other websites apps and podcasts that can be helpful in helping you prepare for your exams.
Useful books to use for DELF B2:
The following books are very useful in helping you prepare for your exam. Click on the image or link and it will bring you to amazon store if you would like to check the pricing.
Preparation A L’Examen Du Delf Textbook B2 with CD (French Edition)
A very good book to use and it will definitely help you with your DELF B2 exam preparation is the “Préparation à l’examen du DELF B2”. Paris : Hachette, 2006. With 1 CD written by Caroline Veltcheff and Hilton Stanley. This book is a collection of mock exams that follows the same structure as the DELF exam.
It covers practice for all sections and it provides sample answers to a number of the questions both in the Production Orale and the Production Ecrite Section of the exam. While I found this book very helpful, I realised that is was necessary to complete all mock exams and practices books by adding other resources such as podcasts to improve my fluency at a level that is necessary to past the DELF B2 exam .
Delf B2. 200 Activities. Textbook + Key + Audio CD (French Edition)
If you are still looking for extra practice then the next best is Le Nouvel entraînez-vous : DELF B2 200 activités by Anatole Bloomfield, Emmanuelle Daill, Richard Lescure Emmanuelle Gadet et Pauline Vey.
It covers practices for all the competences you will need for your DELF B2 exam: comprehension orale, ecrite and Production orale, ecrite.
This book comes in two versions, with or without CD. If you want to buy this book be sure to get the one with the CD. Lookout for the CD marked on the front of the book.