The third session of the free french online course Préparer et Réussir le DELF B2 et le DALF C1, is currently underway. So, if you are looking for a free online french course to help you prepare for your exam, this it is.
This MOOC is offered by the University of Jendouba (Tunisia) in collaboration with the Language and Communication Center of Oujda (Morocco). This course is aimed at anyone preparing for the the DELF B2 French language diploma and the Advanced Language Diploma DALF C1.
If you are interested please see the following link: Préparer et Réussir le DELF B2 et le DALF C1
About the course “Préparer et Réussir le DELF B2 et le DALF C1”
If you are interested in studying in France or currently applying to French universities, you will realise that a B2 or C1 level in french is indispensable for your application.
And that is not all. If you are interested in applying for a job or an internship in a french speaking country or company this is a good certificate to have.
More and more recruiters like to see a French-language certification on a CV, because fluency in French is required in the professional environment of many French-speaking countries and is an added value in others.
Level B2, intermediate level, guarantees a good command of the language, both written and oral, understanding and production. That’s why it’s the minimum level required to join a French-language university.
Level C1 proves that you have an advanced level and that the use of the language is no longer difficult.
All the subjects that are proposed to you during this preparation course for the exams (DELF) level B2(DALF) level C1, are very close to those of the CIEP, the organisation that is responsible for these exams.
Format and organization of this online french course
The total duration of this course is 6 weeks, one week per sequence.
The first week’s introduction (sequence zero) will give you different ways to assess your initial level in French and then you can decide which is the best course to register for. The following four sequences are each devoted to one of the 4 skills evaluated on the exams. Namely, listening comprehension, written comprehension, written production and oral production.
For each skill, you will be offered 4 topics for the DELF B2 and 3 topics for the DALF C1, along with their answers.
You are required to write at least two written and oral comprehension subjects, two written production subjects for DELF B2, one for DALF, and one oral production subject. You can then organize yourself as you would like and keep the extra topics for another week or to distribute your preparation to the 4 events as you see fit.
The last week, full mock exam will be proposed.
In regards to communication, the forums will allow you to exchange your ideas on the various topics of production proposed.
A webinar will be organized during the last three weeks, during which you will be able to interact synchronously with the experts. If you would like to see what the webinar will be like, check out the webinair from a previous session below:
You will have an average of between 2 and 3 hours of work per week, apart from the last week, where you will have 3 hours 20 minutes for the DELF and 5 hours 30 minutes for the DALF, if you do the whole mock exam.
Prerequisites for “Préparer et Réussir le DELF B2 et le DALF C1”
Have a B2 level beforehand for the preparation of the DELF or a level C1 for the preparation of the DALF.
In no case this course aims to bring you to these two levels, even if the preparation of these exams will probably make you progress in the French language. It is only intended to train you in their four parts of your french exam:
listening comprehension
written comprehension
written production
oral production
Plan du cours
Séquence zéro : documents vous permettant de choisir dans quel parcours vous inscrire :
Parcours 1 : DELF B2
Parcours 3 : DALF C1 SCIENCES
Séquence 1 :
Parcours 1 : 4 sujets de compréhension orale DELF B2
Parcours 2 et 3 : 3 sujets de compréhension orale DALF C1
Séquence 2 :
Parcours 1 : 4 sujets de compréhension écrite DELF B2
Parcours 2 et 3 : 3 sujets de compréhension écrite DALF C1
Séquence 3 :
Parcours 1 : 4 sujets de production écrite DELF B2
Parcours 2 : 3 sujets de production écrite DALF C1 domaine sciences humaines
Parcours 3 : 3 sujets de production écrite DALF C1 domaine sciences
Séquence 4 :
Parcours 1 : 4 sujets de production orale DELF B2
Parcours 2 : 3 sujets de production orale DALF C1 domaine sciences humaines
Parcours 3 : 3 sujets de production orale DALF C1 domaine sciences
Séquence 5 : Examen blanc
Parcours 1 : sujet complet du DELF B2
Parcours 2 : sujet complet du DALF C1 domaine sciences humaines
Parcours 3 : sujet complet du DALF C1 domaine sciences
Either you will get an automated assessment for understanding multiple choice questions, or you will be peer reviewed for open questions and both speaking and writing production tests.
To receive an attestation that states that you have completed the DELF B2 course, you will have to do at least two subjects of written and oral comprehension, two subjects of written production and a subject of oral production.
To receive an attestation that states that you have completed the DALF C1 course, you will have to do at least two subjects of written and oral comprehension, a subject of written and oral production and to obtain a minimum result of 50%.