Home DELF/DALF DELF A1 The key Vocabulary That You Will Need for the DELF A1

The key Vocabulary That You Will Need for the DELF A1


For your French exam level A1, there is a category of vocabulary that you need to be familiar with in order to pass you exam. This list was created based on the requirement of the CIEP (Centre international d’études pédagogiques, International center for pedagogical studies), the organisation responsible for your exam.


Categories In French:

Les personnes : La famille – Le corps humain
•    Dans la ville : Les magasins – Les transports
•    Au travail, à l’école + Les objets du bureau + Vocabulaire du multimédia
•    À la maison : Le logement – Les pièces – Le mobilier
•    À la maison : La cuisine – Electroménager – Nettoyage – Bricolage, Les aliments – Les vêtements
•    Nombres : Cardinaux ( un, deux… ) | Ordinaux ( premier, deuxième… )
•    Nombres en contexte : Numéros de téléphone, formulaires + Argent, prix + Mesures
•    L’heure, la date, les jours, les mois
•    Les saisons, le climat, la météo
•    La nature | Les animaux
•    Sports et loisirs – Les arts + Les instruments de musique
•    Les couleurs – Les formes – Les matières
•    Préfixes, suffixes + Locutions latines
•    Synonymes, antonymes
•    Paronymes – Confusing pairs
•    Familles de mots, champs lexicaux
•    Faux-amis, anglicismes, correction de phrases
•    Sigles, abréviations, apocopes, acronymes et symboles
•    Expressions figurées et idiomatiques + Expressions avec AVOIR et FAIRE
•    Niveaux de langue : familier, standard, soutenu + Elisions en français parlé

Les nombres, les nationalités, la politesse, les professions, la famille, les activités
quotidiennes, les couleurs, les vêtements, les objets, les meubles, la ville, la
localisation, les magasins, les moyens de transport, la nourriture, les fêtes, les
vacances, les médias, la météo, le logement

Categories In English:

• People: The family the human body
In the city: Stores – Transport
At work, at school + objects office
Home: Housing – rooms Furniture
At home: The kitchen – Appliances – Cleaning – Housing, Food – Clothing
Numbers: Cardinals (one, two ) | Ordinal (first, second )
Numbers in Context: Phone Numbers, Forms + Silver + Price Measures
The time, date, day, month
The seasons, climate, weather
Nature | Animals
Sports and Recreation – Arts + Musical instruments
• Colors – Shapes – Materials
prefixes, suffixes + Latin Phrases
Synonyms, antonyms
Paronymes Confusing peers
• Families of words, lexical fields
False friends, anglicisms, correcting sentences
Acronyms, Abbreviations, apocopes, acronyms and symbols
Expressions figurative and idiomatic expressions To have and to do 

Language levels: familiar, standard, supported + Elisions spoken French

Numbers (Know how to say your numbers, say the price of something, give the time) nationalities, politeness, occupations (different type of jobs) , family (family members and relationship), daily activities ( getting up, things you do like shopping etc), colors, clothing, objects, furniture, city,location, shops, transport, food, parties, holiday, media, weather, housing

How to Study:

Many french textbooks currently covers these vocabulary, however, there are a number of free apps available on both Itunes and in the Android Store that can be useful to practice and help you retain these vocabulary. For books, remember that your main text currently covers most of this vocabulary.

Apps for Level A1 Vocabulary Practice:

http://www.french-exam.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/hi-256-0-deff460a5ae7ae75781194d49743685a0cf7ffa7.pngThe app Busuu is very useful for learning some of these vocabulary. It is also a free app. The advantage of this app is that is is a combinations of visual, audio and written reinforcement for your vocabulary. It is also completed with quizzes that is quit helpful in retaining these words.


http://a4.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/102/Purple2/v4/1f/30/36/1f303629-fa9c-3783-174f-e4f30a7b3cf0/mzl.teddnlcx.175x175-75.jpgAnother free great app that you can use to practice your french vocabulary is Babbel. It is supported by the European Regional Development Fund, which I am hoping means that we can expect some level of quality. Like the Busuu app, it offers a combination of visual, audio and written support for your vocabulary. Give it a try an let me know what you think.


Books for Level A1 Vocabulary:

http://img1.imagesbn.com/p/9780764123948_p0_v1_s260x420.jpgMastering French Vocabulary: A thematic Approach. second Edition. Written by Wolfgang Fischer and Anne-Marie Le Plouhinec. Published by Barron’s

This book is recommended for even true beginners and can be used up to level B2. It is one of the few books that covers all the vocabulary you will need, and provided an english translation as well. It is divided into over 24 categories that are divided by themes, giving you the option to study just what you need and provides both words and phrases that are translated. In some case you will find a few illustrations and charts.





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