With a top notched education system, it is no surprise that the French has some great schools involved in 3D Cinema Animation and Special Effects . The following 8 videos were all designed by students from the Ecole Supérieure des Métiers Artistiques (ESMA) in France. The Ecole Supérieure des Métiers Artistiques (ESMA) is an art school with campuses in Montpellier and Toulouse that offers three-year courses in 3D Cinema Animation and Special Effects.
The films listed are here because they were in french and had subtitles in english. I thought that it would be a good way for you to work on your listening comprehension for your DELF, TEF, TCF and Bulats french exams.
The school also has a Youtube channel,where it features all it short films. As a result there are a lot more interesting and entertaining videos to see,so be sure to check it out once you have finished watching these 8 really amazingly produced films.
A description is provided in english and in french, when possible. Hope you will all enjoy these videos and remember that all the credit goes to the hardworking students at the Ecole Supérieure des Métiers Artistiques (ESMA) in France.
1. “One More Hat” by ESMA
Film Summary english: In a hat shop, a difficult lady customer, with her dog, as scornful as her, is looking for the perfect hat. The seller, conscientious, tries to do well, but the jealous dog is going to make it difficult.
Film Summary french: Dans une chapellerie, une cliente difficile, accompagnée de son chien, aussi méprisant qu’elle, est à la recherche du chapeau idéal. Le vendeur consciencieux essaye de bien faire mais le chien épris de jalousie va lui compliquer la tâche.
Realisateurs / Directors : Prunelle Bry, Corentin Barcelo, Arthur Depoire, Alexandre Melquiond, Margaux Revol.
2. ” La Fenêtre” -by ESMA
Film Summary english: In a hospital room, four wounded soldiers. One of them, near a window, tells the others what happens outside…
Film Summary french: Dans une chambre d’hôpital, quatre soldats blessés. L’un deux, près de la fenêtre, raconte le quotidien extérieur à ses camarades…
Réalisateurs / Directors : Maxime Blondeel, Stéphane Barrère, Maria Fernanda Corcho, Nathan Leroi, Brice Proust, Amandine Rivière, Fabrice Tapare.
3. “Tout Conte Fait” -English Subtitles- ESMA 2011
Film Summary french: Un Roi et une Reine n’arrivent pas à marier leur fille. La Princesse s’enferme alors afin qu’un Prince Charmant vienne la délivrer… mais à quel prix?
Film Summary english: A King and a Queen cannot marry their daughter. The Princess locks herself up in a tower so that a Prince Charming could come to set her free… but at what cost?
Realisation / Directors :
Sandy BIENVENUT, Alexandra CONDOURE, Vincent DROMART, Nicolas QUINSSAC, Mathieu RINGOT.
Film Summary english: Buck is a small town electrician who got stoked by electricity and developed super powers…he then uses his powers to impress a girl!
Created, Directed & Animated by Hugo Jackson, Pascal Chandelier, Valentin Michel, Bastien MORTELEcque and Elliot Maren.
5. “HUGH” (english subtitles) – ESMA
Film Summary french: Un vieux chaman raconte une légende indienne à trois jeunes enfants.
Il y a très longtemps, Les êtres vivants avaient un gros problème car le ciel était trop bas. Les oiseaux ne pouvaient pas voler et les hommes se tenaient courbés. Un jour, les enfants encore petits décidèrent de changer les choses et tentèrent de soulever le ciel à laide de bâtons…
Film Summary english: An old shaman was telling a story to 3 young children. Ages ago, some human beings had big troubles because the sky was too low. Birds could not fly and men were bended. One day, small children decided to change things and attempted to raise the sky with stocks.
6. “Jim’s Tie” by ESMA
Film Summary english: 3D Animated Short (with English CC) called “Jim’s Tie” created by the talented team of Thomas Digiacomi, Jérémy Sanchez Romero, Nicolas Millot, Alain Thay et Leïda Vincent.
7. “Du Tout Cuit !” (It’s a Cinch!)-by ESMA
Film Summary English: The funny story about a man who is stranded on a deserted island. 3D animated short film called “Du Tout Cuit !” (It’s a Cinch!) created by the talented team of Juline BRETON, Loïc CURIEN, Vincent JUAN & Julien TISSEAU, and completed as their animated graduating short from the ESMA class of 2013.
8. “Nokomi” – by ESMA
Film Summary english: Short film called “Nokomi” created by the talented team of Caroline Collinot, Aurélie Deconinck, Guillaume Ferrachat, Rémi Prouzat and completed as their animated graduating short from the ESMA