In the tutorial we will be looking at how to write a recipe in french. You will also find it useful if you would like understand french recipes as part of your comprehension orale (reading test). And finally, this information can be used in the production orale of your french exam as well. France is known as the country of gastronomy and that name is well deserved. As a result it should come as no surprise that some of your questions should be related to food!
In the production ecrite section of your exam paper, you might be asked to write the recipe for your favorite dish or you might also find such a question in the production orale section where you might be asked to describe how your favour dish is prepared.
This can be simple or difficult depending on what your favourite dish is. The good news is that no one ever checks to find out what exactly is your favorite dish and the people correcting your exam will only care whether or not you followed the instructions and if your vocabulary, format and sentence structure are correct. As a result it is OK to choose something simple (not too simple like a fried egg for instance, even if it is not your favourite dish!).
Language focus:
french recipe vocabulary
Using sequencing words
french food vocabulary (names and pictures)
French recipe preparation expression
mettre au four Put in the oven
Common cooking measurements in french
10 grammes de… 10g of…
un kilo de… a kilo of…
un demi-kilo de… half a kilo of…
un guart de litre quarter liter of
1 gousse d’ail 1 cove of garlic
un litre de… a litre of…
une bouteille de… a bottle of…
un morceau de… a piece of…
un paquet de… a packet of…
un pot de… a pot/jar of…
une boîte de… a box/tin of…
une tranche de… a slice of…
un sac de… a bag of…
Since this guide is aimed at the niveau A1, I will be sure to keep this recipe french but still simple. While checking out this tutorial don’t be afraid to try this french recipe at home. This is actually a favorite among the French, for a quick and sweet dessert.
For this tutorial we will be looking at the simple recipe of the mousse au chocolate and then figuring out how to use the information to recreate another recipe, une tarte au pomme.
Keep in mind that a recipe is a list of instructions. As a result there is two things to pay attention to: the tense use it the command and words that help to should the sequence of events. The use of linking words are very important for this exercise and you can also use them for other exercises as well. This recipe was taken from a very popular french website www.marmiton.org.
How to write a recipe in french for a Mousse au chocolat
Temps de préparation ( Preparation time): 10 minutes
Temps de cuisson( cooking time) : 0 minutes
– 100 g chocolat (noir ou au lait)
– 1 sachet de sucre vanillé
Préparation de la recette :
Faire ramollir le chocolat dans une terrine.
Incorporer les jaunes et le sucre.
Puis, battre les blancs en neige ferme et les ajouter délicatement au mélange à l’aide d’une spatule.
Mettre au frais 1 heure ou 2 minimum.