After preparing for the DELF A1 in 2010, I realize that when it comes to DELF Exam past papers, it was almost none existence. I have checked a number of websites looking for past papers and I was only able to find mock exam resources. Most if not all provided mock exams from the CIEF website. On the other hand there are some really good books that the French Language Schools in France, such as Alliance Francais and others, use. What little resources that I have found, I will now share with you, in addition to the great self-study textbooks you can find for A1.
Websites for DELF A1 mock exams:
You can check this website FRENCH EXAM HUB for DELF mock exams . It is a collection of all the Mock Exams relating to DELF A1, A2, B1, B2 that are found across the web. It is regularly updated with new files and links. Check out a few of our French Language mock test below:
French DELF A1 Exam Practice: Test 1
French DELF A1 Exam Practice: Test 2
French DELF A1 Exam Practice: Test 3
French DELF A1 Exam Practice: Test 4
French DELF A1 Exam practice: Test 5
French DELF A1 Exam Practice: Test 6
French DELF A1 Exam Practice: Test 7
French DELF A1 Exam Practice: Test 8
French DELF A1 Exam Practice: Test 9
There are also many useful recommendation for other websites apps and podcasts that can be helpful in helping you prepare for your exams. If you prefer to do DELF exam quizzes online check out:
Niveau A1 Comprehension Ecrite: online practice 1
Niveau A1 Comprehension Ecrite: online practice 2
Check out the CIEF website. The Centre International d’Etudes Pédagogiques is the official site of the DELF and the DALF exams. This website, while not providing any past papers, does provide free resources for mock exams or in French “examen blanc”. As someone who has taken the DELF A1 exam, I found this website every useful. The sample mock exams are exactly the same format and structure as the real DELF A1 exam.
Useful books to use for DELF A1:
Preparation l’examen du DELF A1 (1CD audio)
A very good book to use and it will definitely help you with your DELF A1 exam preparation is the “Préparation à l’examen du DELF A1”. Paris : Hachette, 2006. With 1 CD written by Caroline Veltcheff and Hilton Stanley. This book is a collection of mock exams that follows the same structure as the DELF exam.
It covers practice for all sections and also has a suggested response for the Presentation oral section of the exam. I found this to be very help, as when I went in the exam the structure and questions were pretty much the same. As a result it was easier to speak and to understand what was being asked.
Delf A1: 150 Activites: Le Nouvel Entrainez-Vous [With CD (Audio) and Booklet] (French Edition)
If you are still looking for extra practice then the next best is Le Nouvel entraînez-vous : DELF A1 150 activités by Anatole Bloomfield, Emmanuelle Daill, Richard Lescure Emmanuelle Gadet et Pauline Vey.
This book comes in two versions, with or without CD. If you want to be buy this book be sure to get the one with the CD. Lookout for the CD marked on the front of the book.
Using these resources I was about to score:
Compréhension écrit score: 23/25
Production écrit score: 21/25
Compréhension Oral score: 24/25
Production Oral Score : 23/25
Total score: 91/100
Good luck with your exam and let me know how it worked out for you.