Home DELF/DALF DELF A1 DILF A1.1 – DELF A1 Production Ecrite: Guide to filling out forms in french

DILF A1.1 – DELF A1 Production Ecrite: Guide to filling out forms in french


In the DILF A1.1 and the DELF A1 Epreuve de production ecrite, there is a section that will require you to complete or fill out a form or in french “completer un formulaire”. This section is valued 10 points out of a total of 25 points for that section. Usually for each line of the form, you will be allocated 1 point for each correct answer.

In this section they may ask you to fill out a form relating to:
Joining a Library
Reservation information at a hotel
A short questionnaire
A registration form for a course

This section of the DELF A1 Epreuve de production ecrite is pretty straightforward once you have gotten the basics and almost all forms will require the same information, give or take a few variations. The general and most common information that they will ask you for on a form is:

Family name/ last name/surname : Nom (the surname in french is usually written all in upper case)
Maiden name (the surname of a woman before she gets married): nom jeune fille
First name: Prénom
Personal Address (street name, city , postal code/ zip code) : Adresse personnelle (rue, ville, code postale)
Nationality: nationalité
Age: Age
Date of birth: Ne(e) le / la date de naissance
Marital status ( married, single, divorce) : La situation de famille ( marié (e), célibataire, divorce )
Place of Birth: Le lieu de naissance 
Profession: Profession/fonction
Telephone number:Le numéro de téléphone
Language spoken: Langue parlée
Note: Always remember to put in your own personal information unless instructed to do otherwise.

Sample Form for Contact details in french :



Sample form for reserving a hotel or Formulaire pour demande de logement



Now it is Your Turn: DILF A1.1 and DELF A1 Production Ecrite

EXERCISE 1                                                                                                    10 points

Completez votre fiche d’inscription a l’hotel:                                      1 point par response

Nom : …………………………………………………………
Prénom :………………………………………………………
Nationalité :……………………………………………………
Adressé Personnelle :…………………………………………
Profession : …………………………………………………..
Date d’arrivée à l’hôtel :……………………………………….
Date de départ :………………………………………………..
Langue parlée :………………………………………………..
Avez-vous un animal ?……………………………………………………..
Je m’engage à respecter le règlement de l’hôtel (signature) :


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