When it comes to french books, whether for orthographe, grammar etc. Librio which specialised in offering books at unique prices, provides some of the cheapest french books of amazingly good quality. In France for example, these books are as cheap as 2 euros. Not bad for a french text book. Please note that this book is currently only in French. These books are very popular in France, especially with french students. If you are in France, amazon.fr currently sells this book for under 2 euro and offers free delivery.
Librio Orthographe française By Natalie Baccus and Published by Librio.
This guide is designed for general use and practice, summarizes the main rules of French spelling. Educational and simple, address keep issues that are a concern to french students such as the case of the silent e, the spelling of the words based on the organisation of letters or the plural of compound nouns. This book consists of five parts supported specific rules and numerous examples and a workbook: The rules of use, punctuation, The verb present participle and past participle, the name and adjective : formation of feminine and plural adjective agreements; homophones. If you are a level A1-A2 this book will be great for you.
Librio Conjugaison française
This conjugation guide , currently shows how to create all common verbs in all modes and at all tenses.Since this book is designed for everyday use I would recommend for a level A1-A2.It consists of:
- an overview of the verb and the main principles of the conjugation tables
- 66 models of verbs conjugated with the rules of employment, identification of the radical and endings and examples highlighting spelling difficulties;
- an inventory of 1800 the most common of French verbs, with reference to the tables of verbs corresponding models
- a workbook to test your knowledge revise.
Grammaire française By Natalie Baccus and Published by Librio
This manual contains step by step the essentials of French grammar. Composed as a dictionary, it has four parts:
- the different types of words (adjective, decisive, pronoun, verb …)
- functions of words (. Attribute of the subject, complement epithet …),
- a comprehensive study sentence (saying, negation, subordinate clause …),
- a workbook to test their knowledge and revise.
Rules are clear, but it is complete with simple and complete explanations.
Librio Langue française
Want a book that has everything? Worry not! With the Grand Librio French Language, find all of the above books, assembled in one volume: French Spelling, Nathalie Baccus (Librio No. 596) French Grammar, Nathalie Baccus (Librio No. 534) Conjugation French (Librio No. 470); dictations to progress, Melanie Lamarre (librio No. 653).
Librio Expression française
If you are a level B1 and above you might want to consider the Grand Librio French Expression. It provided a guide to help you learn to express yourself in a fair and efficient way. It address the peculiarities of spelling or grammar, vocabulary traps, figures of speech and pronunciation difficulties. This book brings together in one volume: Difficulties in French, Jean-Pierre Colignon (Librio No. 642) Figures style, Axelle and Beth Elsa Marpeau (Librio # 710) The right word, Peter Jaskarzec (Librio No. 772), french is a game, Pierre Jaskarzec (Librio No. 672).