How do you talk about or describe your favourite dish in french or even just talk about a recipe for a local dish from your country in french? In this tutorial we will be looking at a topic that appears often on the DELF A2 Production Orale section of your french exam: How to talk about food.
You will find this type of speaking task in section 2 of the Production Orale under MONOLOGUE and section 3 under ROLE PLAY. We will be looking at examples from both these sections. Plus, we will be listening to different people talking about a local dish and their favourite dish in french.
What to Expect for your monologue in french DELF A2
For the monologue you will be proposed 2 topics. You will then need to choose one. Make sure you understand the subject and what is required of you before making a final chose.
You will be expected to talk for around 2 minutes on this topic and the examiner may ask you an additional 2 to 3 questions to keep the monologue going.
Here are 2 example cue cards about food that you may come across for your french exam.
Sample Task 1:
Quel plat de votre pays voulez-vous faire goûter à des amis français ? Quels sont les ingrédients? Expliquez comment on le prépare, comment et à quelle occasion on le mange.
Sample Task 3:
Aimez-vous cuisiner ? À quelle(s) occasion(s) ? Parlez d´un plat que vous savez préparer ou que vous avez vu préparer par quelqu´un d´autre.
Tips for Talking about your favourite dish in french
First and foremost remember to introduce your topic, example:
je vais présenter vous mes (mon) plats (plat) préféré(s)
J’ai envie de partager avec vous mon plat préféré
Mon plat préféré………………..
Le plat que je préfère est . ……………..
And if you would like to talk about more than one dish:
Moi, j’adore tous les plats. C’est trop difficile pour moi de choisir un seul plat….
This can be followed by stating what type of dish it is:
c’est le plat typique de…………..
C’est un plat traditionnel/régional/classique/…………………..
Cette spécialité de/du …………..
C’est un plat originaire du/de………………..
What in is it consist of?
Remember to use very specific vocabulary on not only food but food preparation. You can revisit our article on how to write a recipe in french to check some vocabulary. You should speak about what food it is.
Dans ce plat il y a……………………
We can look at some vocabulary on meat: le poulet (chicken), le porc (pork), le jambon (ham), le bifteck (steak), l’agneau (lamb), le veau (veal), la dinde (turkey)
How is it prepared? For example:
- cuire————-cook
- bouillir————–boil
- griller—————grill
How it is served?
- chaud(e)——-hot
- froid(e)———cold
- (for meat) bleu/saignant (very rare), mi- saignant (rare), à point (medium rare), bien cuit (well done).
When do you normally eat it? Is it only on special occasions, such as a national holiday? It is a meal served for breakfast, lunch or dinner?
Then mention why you like it and why it is your favourite food.
J’aime vraiment …………………. parce que ………………..
Useful tips for talking about a recipe in french
Aujourd’hui, je vous présente ma recette (préférée) qui, elle, est composée avec des …………..
J’adore cuisiner……………….
Je vous présente une recette de………/une recette rapide et simple
Cette recette peut-être préparée en version végétarienne ou végétalienne…………..
Pour la préparation……………..
Remember to use connecting words when necessary:
Useful expressions to describe a dish or recipe in French:
Vocabulary related to taste:
- goûter —————–to taste
- le goût ————— taste
- la saveur —————- flavor
Words to describe how a dish taste
Le plat est très ……..————— THe dish is very…………….
savoureux / savoureuse ————-tasty
goûteux / goûteuse—————–flavorful
délicieux / délicieuse——————–delicious
succulent / succulente—————-succulent (tender, juicy, and tasty)
il faut absolument goûter à ……… ————- You need to absolutely taste………
C’est délicieux————————It’s delicious.
L’assaisonnement est parfait——————-The seasoning is perfect.
La viande est très bien cuite, et tendre.————-The meat is very well cooked, and tender.
Les légumes sont bien croquants———————-The vegetables are nicely crunchy.
Other useful words to describe how food taste includes:
amer / amère———————–bitter
fort / forte—————-spicy/hot
For some candidate you might want to explain further if it is a vegetation or vegan dish:
végétarien / végétarienne——————–vegetarian
végétalien / végétalienne———————vegan
Tips for ROLE PLAY in DELF A2 Production Orale
For the role play you will have two topics and you will need to choose one.You must be able to show that you can deal with day-to-day situation that you may meet in a french speaking environment. You must also show that you are able to greet and use polite expressions.
Here are 2 sample cue cards from the DELF A2 Production Orale part 3 on role play. You will be doing the role play with the examiner.
SAMPLE SUBJECT 1. Recette de cuisine
Vous adorez cuisiner. Vous proposez à un ami français de venir chez vous cuisiner ensemble un plat de votre pays. Vous vous mettez d’accord sur qui fait quoi.
L’examinateur joue le rôle de l’ami.
Un(e) ami(e) français(e) vous téléphone pour connaître la recette d’un plat typique de votre pays. Vous répondez à ses questions. À la fin de la conversation, vous lui proposez de venir l’aider à préparer le plat.
[L’examinateur / l’examinatrice joue le rôle de votre ami(e).]
Example of people talking about their favourite dish or a local dish
Here we have 3 people who talk about different recipes. Listen careful to the monologue. Try and see if there is any usually vocabulary that you can use in your monologue or role play. Then go to the end of the page and try to response to one of the cue cards above.
Gaëlle : les crêpes bretonnes
Pour les gourmands ! Quelle différence entre les crêpes et les galettes ? Vous allez tout savoir!
Jean-Claude : la recette des crêpes bretonnes
Jean-Claude nous donne sa recette des crêpes, spécialités de la Bretagne.
Frédéric : flambage d’une viande
J’aime bien faire ça quand je reçois du monde. Je vous explique ma recette.
DELF A2 Production Orale Monologue Practice
With the voice recorder below, record your monologue then replay to listen to how well you did. Remember you can record yourself as many time as you like. Once you are finished, download your recording and ask someone, such as your teacher, to give feedback on your presentation. Good luck and wish you all the best for your exam.